Monday, March 17, 2008

Un verano inolvidable

This summer I am traveling to South America for a total of 10 weeks, predominantly Cartagena, Colombia, and Lima, Peru. This is my first time living and traveling abroad, and I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am. I am going to Colombia with the NPO, Children Beyond Our Borders, to work with a group of underprivileged children for two weeks. I am then traveling to Lima, where I will live with my friend Siraj's family for two months. The first three weeks are tentatively planned for traveling, hopefully up to the highlands, through the jungle, and of course, visiting Machu Picchu. For the next month I am taking a couple of courses at the University of Pacific, as part of ISA's study abroad program. The last week will include festivities from Peruvian Independence Day.

I would like to document this trip via blog so that family and friends who are interested can see what I am experiencing, and keep in touch with me. I plan to post many pictures, and I am in fact currently looking for a new camera. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

The process to put this trip together has been long and stressful. To those planning on studying abroad: start early and stay organized. UF is a bureaucratic nightmare; I have been to every office, department, advising center... and back. Yet although some of these experiences have not always been pleasant, I've found that many advisers on campus truly care about their jobs and the students they are helping. Without some of them, this trip would probably not be possible.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the next few months of posting - please keep me updated too on what you're doing!